Workshop on the Development of Regional QI frameworks for solar PV products in EAC region

Workshop on the Development of Regional QI frameworks for solar PV products in EAC region

Micro Energy International on behalf of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the International Solar Alliance in collaboration with EACREEE is currently implementing the development of regional quality infrastructure frameworks for solar photovoltaic products and services in the East African Community. This aims to further enhance and establish equivalent and trusted quality infrastructure capabilities in the region to create a level playing field for solar energy businesses and foster competitiveness.

On November 12, in partnership with EACREEE, Micro Energy International will conduct a results presentation session on the baseline assessment report and policy briefs on standards harmonisation. The workshop will be conducted virtually. The session’s main objective is to present and discuss the regional baseline study, raise awareness on the regional technical committees for quality infrastructure and identify possible members within the region. Do not miss out on this opportunity to engage and provide insights into the development of regional solar QI frameworks and management systems for EAC including roadmaps for the implementation of regional QI processes and procedures for the establishment of regional technical committees

The workshop is an initiative of the International Network of Solar Technology and Application Resource Centre (STAR C) Project. The project is implemented by UNIDO and the International Solar Alliance within the scope of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centres focusing on the East African Community through EACREEE with funding from the Government of France.

Registration: Register here

Time: 10 am (EAT)

Format: Zoom Platform

Views: 14