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Objectives and Outcomes
Priorities and goals
Objectives & Outcomes
The overall objective is to create a strong network of institutional capacities within ISA Member States to enhance quality infrastructure (QI) for the uptake of solar energy product and service markets, particularly in least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS).
Enhanced capacities of institutions to offer certified quality solar curricula and Training
Increased impact of solar networks and knowledge management systems
Effective STAR-C management and governance structure established and sustained
Origin & Milestones
Project Management
& origin
On 19 March 2018 the International Solar Alliance (ISA), based in New Delhi, India, and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) signed a Joint Declaration on the joint promotion of solar energy globally.
& request
Following a joint UNIDO programming mission to New Delhi, on 16th October 2019, the Director General of ISA submitted an official request to UNIDO to provide support for the development and implementation of the International Solar Technology and Application Resource Centres (STAR-C) programme.
& signature
On 15th June 2021, a Trust Fund Agreement between UNIDO and ISA for the preparatory assistance, and on 26th October 2021, an agreement between ISA and the Government of France through the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France were signed.
& implementation
The STAR-C project will be launched in 2023 with initial limited funding of the Government of France, which is supposed to have a leverage effect. To increase the impact of the initiative, it is planned to mobilise further funding support during the implementation of the project.
Leading organizations